Monday, May 13, 2013

Rocking Chair Cover

Rocking chairs plays an important role in your life if you have a baby. Aanya loved to go to sleep in this rocking chair even before she was born. My chair cushion cover faded over the years and even some threads were pulled out, So I thought of giving this chair a make over. This is a day project and is very easy to make a rocking chair pad cover.

The Material
Silk Fabric
Matching thread
14inch Zipper

The Stiching:

Take the chair pad and place it on the Chosen fabric. Before placing the pad fold the fabric into half. Cut the fabric leaving 2 inch margin on all sides.

After cutting match the  back and front of the fabric placing the wrong side outside and stich along the three sides.

Now take the chair pads and put them into the basic cover with wrong side up. Now make two curved pleates from bottom to top and pin it. Adjust the pleats such a way that the pillow cover fits tight.

Repeat the same procedure for the bottom pillow.

Stich the zipper for both the back and bottom pillows.

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